Train from Amb Andaura to New Delhi

List of all the trains running between Amb Andaura (AADR) and New Delhi (NDLS). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Amb Andaura - New Delhi route.

Total 5 train(s) between AADR / Amb Andaura and NDLS / New Delhi railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 22448 Amb Andaura - New Delhi Vande Bharat Express VB NR AADR - 13:00 NDLS - 18:25 412 km
2 22710 Amb Andaura - Hazur Sahib Nanded Weekly SF Express SF NR AADR 1 15:50 NDLS 7 23:00 412 km
3 14054 Himachal Express Exp NR AADR 1 21:20 SZM 2 04:22 396 km
4 12058 Una - New Delhi Janshatabdi Express JShtb NR UHL 1 05:00 NDLS 11 12:00 385 km
5 19308 Una Himachal - Indore Express Exp WR UHL - 13:50 NZM 1 22:45 451 km