Train from Bhagat Ki Kothi to Pune Junction

List of all the trains running between Bhagat Ki Kothi (BGKT) and Pune Junction (PUNE). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Bhagat Ki Kothi - Pune Junction route.

Total 7 train(s) between BGKT / Bhagat Ki Kothi and PUNE / Pune Junction railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 16507 Jodhpur - KSR Bengaluru Express Exp SWR BGKT 1 06:13 PUNE 1 01:45 1077 km
2 16533 Jodhpur - KSR Bengaluru Express Exp SWR BGKT - 06:13 PUNE 1 01:45 1077 km
3 11089 Bhagat ki Kothi - Pune Express Exp CR BGKT 1 12:10 PUNE 3 07:35 1081 km
4 06534 Bhagat ki Kothi - Mysuru Special Fare Holi Special Exp SWR BGKT -- 23:00 PUNE -- 20:35 1079 km
5 20475 Bikaner - Miraj Weekly SF Express SF NWR JU 2 11:40 PUNE 2 07:35 1080 km
6 16588 Bikaner - Yesvantpur Express Exp SWR JU 4 23:15 PUNE 6 18:55 1081 km
7 22497 Shri Ganganagar - Tiruchchirappalli HumSafar Express Hms NWR JU 5 23:45 PUNE - 18:30 1084 km