Train from Daurai to New Delhi
List of all the trains running between Daurai (DOZ) and New Delhi (NDLS). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Daurai - New Delhi route.
Total 6 train(s) between DOZ / Daurai and NDLS / New Delhi railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 05098 | Daurai - Tanakpur Special Fare Special | Exp | NER | DOZ | 1 | 16:05 | DEC | - | 22:50 | 371 km |
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2 | 19601 | Udaipur City - New Jalpaiguri Weekly Express | Exp | NWR | UDZ | 1 | 00:45 | DEC | 3 | 13:57 | 723 km |
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3 | 19609 | Udaipur City - Yog Nagari Rishikesh Express | Exp | NWR | UDZ | 1 | 13:45 | DEC | 2 | 02:13 | 729 km |
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4 | 20474 | Chetak Express | SF | NWR | UDZ | 1 | 17:00 | DEC | 2,3 | 04:33 | 664 km |
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5 | 12964 | Mewar SF Express | SF | NWR | UDZ | 1 | 18:30 | NZM | 6,7 | 07:10 | 743 km |
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6 | 22985 | Rajasthan Humsafar Express | Hms | NWR | UDZ | 1 | 23:15 | DEE | 4 | 11:25 | 732 km |