Train from Ernakulam Junction to SMVT Bengaluru
List of all the trains running between Ernakulam Junction (ERS) and SMVT Bengaluru (SMVB). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Ernakulam Junction - SMVT Bengaluru route.
Total 13 train(s) between ERS / Ernakulam Junction and SMVB / SMVT Bengaluru railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 12683 | Ernakulam - SMVT Bengaluru SF Express | SF | SR | ERS | - | 16:50 | SMVB | 7 | 03:55 | 603 km |
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2 | 16332 | Thiruvananthapuram Central - Mumbai CSMT Weekly Express | Exp | SR | ERS | 1,3 | 08:20 | KJM | 4 | 20:34 | 611 km |
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3 | 12678 | Ernakulam - KSR Bengaluru InterCity Superfast Express | SF | SR | ERS | - | 09:10 | BNC | 1 | 19:18 | 579 km |
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4 | 16316 | Kochuveli - Mysuru Express | Exp | SR | ERS | - | 20:35 | BNC | 1 | 07:46 | 620 km |
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5 | 07372 | Kottayam - SSS Hubballi Special Fare Sabarimala Special | Exp | SWR | ERN | - | 16:05 | SMVB | - | 04:00 | 600 km |
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6 | 07318 | Kollam - Belagavi Special Fare Sabarimala Special | Exp | SWR | ERN | - | 21:50 | SMVB | - | 09:50 | 613 km |
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7 | 07314 | Kollam - SSS Hubballi Special Fare Sabarimala Special | Exp | SWR | ERN | 1 | 21:50 | SMVB | - | 11:20 | 613 km |
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8 | 06083 | Kochuveli - SMVT Bengaluru Special Fare Special | Exp | SR | ERN | - | 22:15 | SMVB | - | 10:55 | 600 km |
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9 | 16319 | Kochuveli - SMVT Bengaluru Humsafar Express | Hms | SR | ERN | 1 | 22:15 | SMVB | - | 09:45 | 613 km |
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10 | 22678 | Kochuveli - Yesvantpur AC SF Express | ACSF | SWR | ERN | 1 | 16:50 | KJM | 4 | 03:04 | 608 km |
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11 | 12778 | Kochuveli - SSS Hubballi Weekly SF Express | SF | SWR | ERN | 1 | 17:00 | BAND | - | 03:28 | 602 km |
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12 | 16525 | Kanniyakumari - KSR Bengaluru Island Express | Exp | SWR | TRTR | 1 | 17:10 | BNC | 1 | 05:26 | 628 km |
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13 | 12258 | Kochuveli - Yesvantpur Garib Rath Express | GR | SWR | ERN | 1 | 21:00 | BAND | 1 | 08:28 | 573 km |