Train from Etawah Junction to Bhind

List of all the trains running between Etawah Junction (ETW) and Bhind (BIX). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Etawah Junction - Bhind route.

Total 8 train(s) between ETW / Etawah Junction and BIX / Bhind railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 20962 Banaras - Udhna Weekly SF Express SF WR ETW 1 00:55 BIX 1 01:31 37 km
2 09118 SubedarGanj - Surat SF Special Fare Special SF WR ETW 1 01:02 BIX -- 01:40 37 km
3 11904 Etawah - Virangana Lakshmibai Jhansi Express Exp NCR ETW 5 05:00 BIX 1 05:41 37 km
4 64634 Etawah - Gwalior MEMU MEMU NCR ETW -- 07:10 BIX -- 08:10 37 km
5 51888 Etawah - Gwalior Passenger Pass NCR ETW -- 10:00 BIX 1 10:50 37 km
6 09070 Kanpur Central - Udhna Special Fare Special Exp WR ETW - 12:40 BIX - 13:35 37 km
7 19812 Etawah - Kota Express Exp WCR ETW 5 17:00 BIX 1 17:45 37 km
8 09526 Naharlagun - Hapa Special Fare Special Exp WR ETW -- 22:40 BIX -- 23:25 37 km