Train from Guwahati to Dullabcherra

List of all the trains running between Guwahati (GHY) and Dullabcherra (DLCR). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Guwahati - Dullabcherra route.

Total 7 train(s) between GHY / Guwahati and DLCR / Dullabcherra railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 15617 Guwahati - Dullabcherra Express Exp NFR GHY 5 22:00 DLCR 1 09:45 410 km
2 13173 Sealdah - Agartala Kanchanjungha Express Exp ER GHY 5 03:05 NKMG 1 13:09 367 km
3 20502 Anand Vihar Terminal - Agartala Tejas Rajdhani Express Raj NFR GHY 1 03:35 NKMG 1 11:53 357 km
4 14620 Tripura Sundari Express Exp NR GHY 2 07:55 PTKD 1 18:10 397 km
5 12503 SMVT Bengaluru - Agartala Humsafar Express Hms NFR GHY 1,4 12:55 NKMG 1 21:50 357 km
6 05627 Guwahati - Agartala Special Fare Special Exp NFR GHY - 13:15 NKMG - 23:10 367 km
7 12501 Kolkata - Agartala Garib Rath Express GR NFR GHY - 16:15 NKMG - 00:58 357 km