Train from Ghaziabad Junction to Tundla Junction

List of all the trains running between Ghaziabad Junction (GZB) and Tundla Junction (TDL). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Ghaziabad Junction - Tundla Junction route.

Total 19 train(s) between GZB / Ghaziabad Junction and TDL / Tundla Junction railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 12004 New Delhi - Lucknow Jn Swarn Shatabdi Express Shtb NR GZB 2 06:42 TDL 5 08:45 184 km
2 12312 Netaji Express SF ER GZB 2 07:02 TDL 5 09:50 184 km
3 18310 Jammu Tawi - Sambalpur Express Exp ECoR GZB 2 07:28 TDL 5 10:10 184 km
4 18102 Jammu Tawi - Tatanagar Muri Express Exp SER GZB 2 07:28 TDL 5 10:10 184 km
5 15484 Sikkim Mahananda Express Exp NFR GZB 2 08:18 TDL 5 11:03 184 km
6 12488 Seemanchal Express SF NR GZB 2 08:39 TDL 5 10:50 184 km
7 12420 Gomti Express SF NR GZB 2 12:56 TDL 5,6 15:55 184 km
8 64584 Delhi - Tundla MEMU MEMU NR GZB 2 13:39 TDL 4 18:05 184 km
9 04184 Delhi - Tundla MEMU MEMU NCR GZB 2 14:03 TDL 4 18:05 184 km
10 82502 New Delhi - Lucknow Jn. IRCTC Tejas Express Tej NER GZB 2 16:04 TDL - 17:57 184 km
11 14006 Lichchhavi Express Exp NR GZB 2 18:29 TDL 5 20:53 184 km
12 01708 Anand Vihar Terminal - Jabalpur Special Fare Holi Special Exp WCR GZB -- 18:31 TDL -- 21:28 184 km
13 12554 Vaishali SuperFast Express SF ECR GZB 2 21:25 TDL 5 23:38 184 km
14 14218 Unchahar Express Exp NR GZB 2 22:16 TDL 5 01:20 184 km
15 15744 Farakka Express Exp NFR GZB 1 22:27 TDL 5 01:30 184 km
16 15734 Farakka Express Exp NFR GZB 1,2 22:27 TDL 5,6 01:30 184 km
17 12582 New Delhi - Ballia SF Express SF NER GZB 2 23:22 TDL 5 01:23 184 km
18 22582 New Delhi - Ballia Superfast Express SF NER GZB 2 23:22 TDL 5 01:23 184 km
19 14118 Kalindi Express Exp NWR GZB 2 23:34 TDL 5 01:55 184 km