Train from Lingampalli to Kakinada Port
List of all the trains running between Lingampalli (LPI) and Kakinada Port (COA). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Lingampalli - Kakinada Port route.
Total 10 train(s) between LPI / Lingampalli and COA / Kakinada Port railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 17222 | Mumbai LTT - Kakinada Port Express | Exp | SCR | LPI | 2 | 01:22 | COA | 2,3 | 14:20 | 549 km |
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2 | 17205 | Sainagar Shirdi - Kakinada Port Express | Exp | SCoR | LPI | - | 07:20 | COA | - | 19:45 | 586 km |
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3 | 12738 | Gowthami SF Express | SF | SCR | LPI | 4 | 20:30 | COA | 2 | 07:20 | 582 km |
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4 | 11019 | Konark Express (PT) | Exp | CR | LPI | 2 | 02:30 | PAP | 1 | 12:33 | 583 km |
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5 | 18112 | Yesvantpur - Tatanagar Weekly Express | Exp | SER | LPI | 2 | 04:45 | RJY | - | 14:44 | 521 km |
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6 | 12806 | Lingampalli - Visakhapatnam Janmabhoomi SF Express | SF | SCoR | LPI | 3 | 06:15 | ANV | 3 | 17:13 | 597 km |
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7 | 07446 | Lingampalli - Kakinada Town Special Fare Special | Exp | SCR | LPI | 4 | 18:30 | CCT | 2 | 07:10 | 575 km |
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8 | 12776 | Cocanada AC SF Express | ACSF | SCR | LPI | 3 | 19:00 | CCT | 2 | 06:10 | 608 km |
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9 | 18520 | Mumbai LTT - Vishakapatnam Express | Exp | SCoR | LPI | 2 | 19:20 | PAP | 1 | 08:19 | 611 km |
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10 | 12756 | Bhavnagar Terminus - Kakinada Port Superfast Express | SF | SCoR | TDU | 1 | 04:20 | COA | 2,3 | 17:25 | 640 km |