Train from MBDD Pratapgarh Junction to Bhopal Junction
List of all the trains running between MBDD Pratapgarh Junction (MBDP) and Bhopal Junction (BPL). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the MBDD Pratapgarh Junction - Bhopal Junction route.
Total 8 train(s) between MBDP / MBDD Pratapgarh Junction and BPL / Bhopal Junction railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 12174 | Udyog Nagri SF Express | SF | CR | MBDP | 3 | 02:00 | BPL | 1 | 16:05 | 757 km |
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2 | 15101 | Chhapra - Mumbai LTT Antyodaya Express | Ant | NER | MBDP | - | 03:00 | BPL | 1 | 16:05 | 763 km |
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3 | 22130 | Tulsi SF Express | SF | CR | MBDP | - | 16:18 | BPL | 1 | 05:55 | 742 km |
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4 | 12184 | MBDD Pratapgarh - Bhopal SF Express | SF | WCR | MBDP | 3 | 19:10 | BPL | - | 08:30 | 757 km |
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5 | 11072 | Kamayani Express | Exp | CR | MKP | 1 | 21:30 | BPL | 1 | 07:25 | 577 km |
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6 | 22912 | Shipra Express | SF | WR | MKP | 1 | 09:45 | SHRN | - | 19:30 | 585 km |
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7 | 14116 | Prayagraj - Dr. Ambedkar Nagar Express | Exp | NWR | MKP | 3 | 17:15 | SHRN | 1 | 04:20 | 592 km |
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8 | 19422 | Patna - Ahmedabad Weekly Express | Exp | WR | MKP | 1 | 20:50 | SHRN | 1 | 05:55 | 585 km |