Train from Madurai Junction to Bengaluru Cantt.
List of all the trains running between Madurai Junction (MDU) and Bengaluru Cantt. (BNC). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Madurai Junction - Bengaluru Cantt. route.
Total 5 train(s) between MDU / Madurai Junction and BNC / Bengaluru Cantt. railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 20671 | Madurai - Bengaluru Cantt. Vande Bharat Express | VB | SR | MDU | - | 05:15 | BNC | - | 13:00 | 573 km |
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2 | 16235 | Tuticorin - Mysuru Express | Exp | SWR | MDU | 2 | 20:05 | BNC | 1 | 05:35 | 475 km |
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3 | 19567 | Tuticorin - Okha Vivek Express | Exp | WR | MDU | 1 | 02:00 | KJM | 3 | 10:48 | 506 km |
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4 | 11022 | Tirunelveli - Dadar Central Chalukya Express | Exp | CR | MDU | 1 | 17:40 | YPR | 6 | 04:05 | 446 km |
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5 | 17236 | Nagercoil - SMVT Bengaluru Express | Exp | SCR | MDU | - | 23:55 | CRLM | - | 07:29 | 416 km |