Train from Malda Town to SMVT Bengaluru

List of all the trains running between Malda Town (MLDT) and SMVT Bengaluru (SMVB). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Malda Town - SMVT Bengaluru route.

Total 6 train(s) between MLDT / Malda Town and SMVB / SMVT Bengaluru railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 12552 Kamakhya - SMVT Bengaluru AC SF Express ACSF NFR MLDT 3 02:10 SMVB - 17:05 2381 km
2 12504 Agartala - SMVT Bengaluru Humsafar Express Hms NFR MLDT 3 07:00 SMVB - 20:10 2326 km
3 13434 Malda Town - SMVT Bengaluru Amrit Bharat Express AB ER MLDT - 08:50 SMVB - 03:00 2272 km
4 15228 Muzaffarpur - SMVT Bengaluru Express Exp ECR MLDT - 16:15 SMVB 2 09:45 2326 km
5 12510 Guwahati - SMVT Bengaluru SF Express SF NFR MLDT 1,3 19:00 SMVB - 09:45 2326 km
6 22502 New Tinsukia - SMVT Bengaluru SF Express SF NFR MLDT 3 19:00 SMVB - 09:45 2326 km