Train from Murdeshwar to SMVT Bengaluru
List of all the trains running between Murdeshwar (MRDW) and SMVT Bengaluru (SMVB). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Murdeshwar - SMVT Bengaluru route.
Total 10 train(s) between MRDW / Murdeshwar and SMVB / SMVT Bengaluru railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 16586 | Murdeshwar - SMVT Bengaluru Express | Exp | SWR | MRDW | 1 | 14:10 | SMVB | 1 | 07:15 | 622 km |
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2 | 16516 | Karwar - Yesvantpur Express | Exp | SWR | MRDW | - | 06:52 | NMGA | - | 19:13 | 494 km |
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3 | 16596 | Panchaganga Express | Exp | SWR | MRDW | 1 | 19:32 | YPR | - | 06:43 | 511 km |
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4 | 17310 | Vasco da Gama-Yesvantpur Express | Exp | SWR | CLR | - | 01:55 | YPR | 5 | 12:35 | 579 km |
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5 | 16568 | Shivamogga Town - Tumakuru Express | Exp | SWR | SPV | 1 | 05:04 | BNK | 1 | 07:11 | 87 km |
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6 | 56272 | Chikkamagaluru - Shivamogga Town Passenger | Pass | SWR | SPV | 1 | 08:23 | KRNH | 1 | 08:27 | 5 km |
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7 | 17315 | Vasco-Da-Gama - Nagappattinam Weekly Express | Exp | SWR | CLR | 1 | 11:35 | KJM | 2 | 23:51 | 596 km |
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8 | 06546 | Vijayapura - Yesvantpur Express Special | Exp | SWR | MLP | -- | 16:41 | YPR | -- | 05:10 | 582 km |
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9 | 16222 | Kuvempu Express | Exp | SWR | SPV | 1 | 19:16 | KRNH | 1 | 19:20 | 5 km |
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10 | 16567 | Tumakuru - Shivamogga Town Express | Exp | SWR | SPV | 1 | 22:04 | KRNH | 1 | 22:09 | 5 km |