Train from Metupalaiyam to Tuticorin

List of all the trains running between Metupalaiyam (MTP) and Tuticorin (TN). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Metupalaiyam - Tuticorin route.

Total 5 train(s) between MTP / Metupalaiyam and TN / Tuticorin railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 16765 Mettupalayam - Tuticorin Express Exp SR MTP - 20:00 TN - 04:20 424 km
2 16731 Palakkad - Tiruchendur Express Exp SR ANM 1 06:28 TCN 1 15:45 410 km
3 56320 Coimbatore - Nagercoil Fast Passenger Pass SR CBE 2 07:20 GDN 1 16:58 445 km
4 22668 Coimbatore - Nagercoil SF Express SF SR CBE 4 19:30 CVP 1 01:40 394 km
5 22629 Dadar Central - Tirunelveli SF Express SF SR CBE - 19:35 CVP - 02:38 394 km