Train from Nilambur Road to Kottayam
List of all the trains running between Nilambur Road (NIL) and Kottayam (KTYM). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Nilambur Road - Kottayam route.
Total 12 train(s) between NIL / Nilambur Road and KTYM / Kottayam railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 56363 | Nilambur Road - Kottayam Passenger | Pass | SR | NIL | 2 | 14:45 | KTYM | - | 22:40 | 231 km |
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2 | 16350 | Nilambur Road - Kochuveli Rajya Rani Express | Exp | SR | NIL | 1 | 21:30 | KTYM | - | 02:20 | 231 km |
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3 | 12081 | Kannur - Thiruvananthapuram Jan Shatabdi Express | JShtb | SR | TIR | 3 | 06:45 | KTYM | 1 | 10:48 | 210 km |
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4 | 16649 | Parasuram Express | Exp | SR | TA | - | 09:25 | KTYM | - | 15:03 | 218 km |
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5 | 22113 | Mumbai LTT - Kochuveli SF Express | SF | CR | TIR | 2 | 12:00 | KTYM | 2 | 16:22 | 210 km |
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6 | 16311 | Shri Ganganagar - Kochuveli Express | Exp | SR | TIR | - | 13:30 | KTYM | - | 18:55 | 210 km |
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7 | 12201 | Mumbai LTT - Kochuveli Garib Rath Express | GR | SR | TIR | 3 | 14:30 | KTYM | 1 | 18:55 | 210 km |
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8 | 16348 | Mangaluru Central - Thiruvananthapuram Express | Exp | SR | TA | - | 19:08 | KTYM | - | 00:25 | 218 km |
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9 | 19260 | Bhavnagar Terminus - Kochuveli Express | Exp | WR | TIR | 2 | 19:25 | KTYM | 1 | 00:07 | 210 km |
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10 | 16333 | Veraval - Thiruvananthapuram Central Express | Exp | SR | TIR | 3 | 19:25 | KTYM | 1 | 00:07 | 210 km |
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11 | 16335 | Gandhidham - Nagercoil Weekly Express | Exp | SR | TIR | - | 19:25 | KTYM | - | 00:07 | 210 km |
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12 | 16630 | Malabar Express | Exp | SR | TA | - | 23:15 | KTYM | - | 04:37 | 218 km |