Train from Patliputra Junction to SMVT Bengaluru

List of all the trains running between Patliputra Junction (PPTA) and SMVT Bengaluru (SMVB). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Patliputra Junction - SMVT Bengaluru route.

Total 5 train(s) between PPTA / Patliputra Junction and SMVB / SMVT Bengaluru railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 22351 Patliputra - SMVT Bengaluru SF Express SF ECR PPTA 1 20:15 SMVB - 16:35 2687 km
2 12296 Sanghamitra SF Express SF SWR DNR 4 20:15 SMVB - 16:10 2681 km
3 22353 Patna - SMVT Bengaluru Humsafar Express Hms ECR PNBE 1,5,7 20:25 SMVB - 17:10 2691 km
4 06208 Danapur - Mysuru Special Fare Kumbh Mela Special Exp SWR DNR -- 01:45 YPR -- 10:50 2884 km
5 12577 Bagmati Superfast Express SF ECR MKA 3 18:58 BNCE 1 16:24 2782 km