Train from Raghuraj Singh to Rae Bareli Junction
List of all the trains running between Raghuraj Singh (RRS) and Rae Bareli Junction (RBL). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Raghuraj Singh - Rae Bareli Junction route.
Total 12 train(s) between RRS / Raghuraj Singh and RBL / Rae Bareli Junction railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 54222 | Raghuraj Singh - Rai Bareli Passenger | Pass | NR | RRS | 1 | 07:25 | RBL | 4 | 09:40 | 58 km |
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2 | 04248 | Raghuraj Singh - Rae Bareli Express Special | Exp | NR | RRS | 1 | 07:30 | RBL | - | 09:40 | 58 km |
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3 | 54212 | Kanpur Central - Rae Bareli Passenger | Pass | NR | RRS | 1 | 16:28 | RBL | 4 | 19:00 | 58 km |
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4 | 54224 | Raghuraj Singh Rae Bareli Passenger | Pass | NR | RRS | 1 | 20:40 | RBL | 4 | 22:40 | 58 km |
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5 | 04102 | Kanpur Anwarganj - Prayagraj Sangam Express Special | Exp | NCR | RRS | 1 | 04:58 | NHF | 1 | 05:06 | 5 km |
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6 | 14218 | Unchahar Express | Exp | NR | RRS | 1 | 07:07 | UCR | - | 08:23 | 58 km |
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7 | 54211 | Rae Bareli - Kanpur Central Passenger | Pass | NR | RRS | 1 | 08:17 | BSWA | 1 | 08:25 | 5 km |
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8 | 14102 | Kanpur Central - Prayagraj Sangam InterCity Express | Exp | NCR | RRS | 1 | 11:02 | UCR | - | 12:25 | 58 km |
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9 | 04101 | Prayagraj Sangam - Kanpur Anwarganj Express Special | Exp | NCR | RRS | 1 | 20:31 | BSWA | 1 | 20:38 | 5 km |
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10 | 14866 | Marudhar Express | Exp | NWR | ON | 3 | 00:13 | RBL | 3 | 02:45 | 132 km |
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11 | 12876 | Neelanchal SF Express | SF | ECoR | ON | 3 | 13:58 | RBL | 3 | 16:25 | 132 km |
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12 | 14124 | Kanpur Central - MBDD Pratapgarh InterCity Express | Exp | NCR | ON | 3 | 17:53 | RBL | - | 20:31 | 132 km |