Train from KSR Bengaluru City Junction to Almatti
List of all the trains running between KSR Bengaluru City Junction (SBC) and Almatti (LMT). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the KSR Bengaluru City Junction - Almatti route.
Total 13 train(s) between SBC / KSR Bengaluru City Junction and LMT / Almatti railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 17307 | Basava Express | Exp | SWR | SBC | 10 | 16:50 | LMT | 1 | 09:49 | 845 km |
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2 | 16535 | Gol Gumbaz Express | Exp | SWR | SBC | 8,10 | 18:55 | LMT | 2 | 06:43 | 656 km |
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3 | 56515 | KSR Bengaluru - Hubballi Passenger | Pass | SWR | SBC | 10 | 07:45 | RDI | 1 | 10:49 | 130 km |
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4 | 56223 | Bengaluru Arsikere Passenger | Pass | SWR | SBC | 10 | 18:20 | RDI | 1 | 21:29 | 130 km |
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5 | 16587 | Yesvantpur - Bikaner Express | Exp | SWR | YPR | 4 | 11:30 | LMT | - | 00:15 | 651 km |
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6 | 06545 | Yesvantpur - Vijayapura Express Special | Exp | SWR | YPR | -- | 21:30 | LMT | -- | 09:49 | 679 km |
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7 | 16568 | Shivamogga Town - Tumakuru Express | Exp | SWR | KRNH | 1 | 04:57 | RDI | 1 | 07:17 | 97 km |
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8 | 56224 | Arsikere- Bengaluru Passenger | Pass | SWR | ADHL | 1 | 05:10 | RDI | 1 | 05:41 | 28 km |
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9 | 56519 | Bengaluru - Chitradurga Passenger | Pass | SWR | YPR | - | 07:25 | RDI | 1 | 10:36 | 124 km |
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10 | 06514 | Arsikere - Tumakuru DEMU Express Special | DEMU | SWR | ADHL | 1 | 15:11 | RDI | - | 15:45 | 28 km |
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11 | 16240 | Yesvantpur - Chikkamagaluru Express | Exp | SWR | YPR | 1,4 | 15:30 | RDI | 1 | 17:31 | 124 km |
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12 | 56516 | Hubballi - KSR Bengaluru Passenger | Pass | SWR | ADHL | 1 | 15:40 | RDI | 1 | 16:24 | 28 km |
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13 | 56520 | Chitradurga Chikjajur - Bengaluru Link Passenger | Pass | SWR | ADHL | 1 | 18:06 | RDI | - | 18:45 | 28 km |