Train from Secunderabad Junction to Ongole
List of all the trains running between Secunderabad Junction (SC) and Ongole (OGL). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Secunderabad Junction - Ongole route.
Total 12 train(s) between SC / Secunderabad Junction and OGL / Ongole railway station.
S# | Train# | Train Name | Type | Zone | From | PF | Dept | To | PF | Arr | Dist | Departure Days | |||||||
1 | 17406 | Krishna Express | Exp | SCR | SC | - | 06:00 | OGL | 3 | 15:09 | 487 km |
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2 | 20701 | Secunderabad - Tirupati Vande Bharat Express | VB | SCR | SC | 1 | 06:15 | OGL | 3 | 11:12 | 414 km |
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3 | 17230 | Sabari Express | Exp | SCR | SC | 1 | 12:20 | OGL | 3 | 19:29 | 414 km |
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4 | 12604 | Hyderabad - MGR Chennai Central SF Express | SF | SR | SC | 2 | 17:10 | OGL | 3 | 01:03 | 414 km |
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5 | 07482 | Secunderabad - Tirupati AC SF Fare Special | ACSF | SCR | SC | - | 17:50 | OGL | - | 02:30 | 487 km |
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6 | 12760 | Charminar Express | SF | SCR | SC | 1 | 18:25 | OGL | 3 | 02:18 | 487 km |
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7 | 12764 | Padmavati SF Express | SF | SCR | SC | 5,6 | 18:40 | OGL | 3 | 02:38 | 487 km |
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8 | 12734 | Narayanadri SF Express | SF | SCoR | SC | 2 | 19:05 | OGL | 2,3 | 02:28 | 414 km |
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9 | 07609 | Purna - Tirupati Special Fare Special | Exp | SCR | SC | - | 21:00 | OGL | - | 05:33 | 414 km |
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10 | 07695 | Secunderabad - Ramanathapuram Fare Special | Exp | SCR | SC | - | 21:10 | OGL | - | 04:03 | 414 km |
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11 | 12710 | Simhapuri SF Express | SF | SCR | SC | 10 | 23:05 | OGL | 3 | 06:58 | 487 km |
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12 | 07143 | Moula Ali - Kollam Special Fare Sabarimala Special | Exp | SCR | MLY | - | 11:30 | OGL | - | 21:33 | 481 km |