Train from SMVT Bengaluru to Kochuveli

List of all the trains running between SMVT Bengaluru (SMVB) and Kochuveli (KCVL). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the SMVT Bengaluru - Kochuveli route.

Total 8 train(s) between SMVB / SMVT Bengaluru and KCVL / Kochuveli railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 06084 SMVT Bengaluru - Kochuveli Special Fare Special Exp SR SMVB - 12:45 KCVL - 06:45 813 km
2 16320 SMVT Bengaluru - Kochuveli Humsafar Express Hms SR SMVB - 19:00 KCVL - 09:35 826 km
3 12777 SSS Hubballi - Kochuveli Weekly SF Express SF SWR BAW - 13:40 KCVL 2 06:35 834 km
4 16315 Mysuru - Kochuveli Express Exp SR KGI 2 14:43 KCVL - 09:15 836 km
5 22677 Yesvantpur - Kochuveli AC SF Express ACSF SWR YPR 5 15:20 KCVL 1 06:45 843 km
6 12257 Yesvantpur-Kochuveli Garib Rath Express GR SWR YPR 3,6 20:45 KCVL 1 13:20 801 km
7 16331 Mumbai CSMT - Thiruvananthapuram Weekly Express Exp SR KJM 2 15:55 TVC 2 07:00 817 km
8 16526 KSR Bengaluru - Kanniyakumari Island Express Exp SWR SBC 2 20:10 PASA 1 12:42 872 km