Train from Tirupati to Lingampalli

List of all the trains running between Tirupati (TPTY) and Lingampalli (LPI). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the Tirupati - Lingampalli route.

Total 9 train(s) between TPTY / Tirupati and LPI / Lingampalli railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 17417 Tirupati - Sainagar Shirdi Weekly Express Exp SCR TPTY - 08:30 LPI 2 19:54 709 km
2 07610 Tirupati - Purna Special Fare Special Exp SCR TPTY 4 16:00 LPI -- 04:40 685 km
3 12793 Rayalaseema Superfast Express SF SCR TPTY 2 17:30 LPI 2 04:46 709 km
4 12733 Narayanadri SF Express SF SCoR TPTY 6 18:20 LPI 1,3 06:55 685 km
5 17229 Sabari Express Exp SCR TPTY 1 00:10 CHZ 1 11:15 650 km
6 17405 Krishna Express Exp SCR TPTY 1 05:45 CHZ - 19:39 723 km
7 12731 Tirupati - Secunderabad SF Express SF SCR TPTY - 17:00 VKB 1 04:43 728 km
8 17622 Tirupati - Aurangabad Weekly Express Exp SCR TPTY - 21:10 VKB - 07:30 660 km
9 07602 Villupuram - Secunderabad Special Fare Special Exp SCR RU - 21:40 CHZ - 08:45 640 km