Train from SSS Hubballi Junction to Kurnool City

List of all the trains running between SSS Hubballi Junction (UBL) and Kurnool City (KRNT). This page gives information on Train Names with Train Numbers, arrival and departure timing of all the passenger trains operating on the SSS Hubballi Junction - Kurnool City route.

Total 8 train(s) between UBL / SSS Hubballi Junction and KRNT / Kurnool City railway station.

S# Train# Train Name Type Zone From PF Dept To PF Arr Dist
Departure Days
1 17022 Vasco Da Gama - Hyderabad Express Exp SCR UBL 3,4 14:30 KRNT 2 00:33 380 km
2 17040 Vasco-da-Gama - Secunderabad Express Exp SCR UBL - 14:30 KRNT - 23:48 380 km
3 12649 Karnataka Sampark Kranti Express SKr SWR UBL 4 21:15 KRNT 2 04:19 380 km
4 57273 Hubballi - Renigunta Intercity Passenger Pass SCR UBL 4 06:00 TKBN 1 12:46 235 km
5 18048 Vasco-da-Gama - Shalimar Amaravati Express Exp SER UBL 4 12:05 NDL 1 20:05 402 km
6 17226 SSS Hubballi - Vijayawada Amaravati Express Exp SCR UBL 4 13:20 NDL 1 21:10 402 km
7 07335 Belagavi - Manuguru Special Fare Special Exp SWR UBL 1 15:30 MALM - 23:04 351 km
8 17329 SSS Hubballi - Vijayawada Express Exp SWR UBL 2 19:30 GZL 1 04:35 417 km